The restoration and repair of masonry buildings is an important activity in Quebec to preserve our heritage in good condition. As many of these buildings are covered with bricks or stones, they often require restoration work over time, which requires specific interventions carried out by masons specialized in the field.
To keep the efficiency, beauty and quality of buildings in place, helical or mechanical type stabilization anchoring systems with expanding bolts are good methods for attaching an exterior masonry cladding to the building structure without have to remove this one.
To ensure the conformity of the work to be carried out, we offer a pull-out test service. A representative of the company visits your site and analyzes, in collaboration with the contractor and the architect, different parts of your building to be restored. Then, the tests will be undertaken with specialized equipment in order to have the right anchorages and the correct installation procedure to follow. Following our visit, you will be able to obtain a report with the results of the tests obtained. Thereafter, we will recommend the quality of the material, the length and the diameter of the rods to be used.